6 Questions that define the value of your Field Force setup

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Answer these 6 questions to evaluate if your field force team and their performance are valid for the business you´re running.  

1. Do they know how to create value?
Does your field force team know how to create value for the whole sales organization and for the brand?

2. Qualitative or quantitative?
How do you measure the value generated, is it quantitative like the number of calls, number of trained personnel or do you also measure on quality and business impact?

3. Are you stuck in time?
Is your field sales team doing the same things as they did a couple of years ago or have you integrated it in your omnichannel market approach?

4. Do you have a dynamic team?
Is your operational model suited for a dynamic and ever-changing environment, do you have the agility to change focus rapidly when the market demands it or do or is it lagging?

5. Do you have a clear line of sight?
Have you created a clear line of sight between your strategic targets and the operational front-line activities – and does your organization know? Internal collaboration issues and lack of visibility often limit reaching the market potential.

6. Do you have a suiting incentive setup?
Do you have an incentive plan that supports your strategic ambitions and at the same time allows individuals to be empowered to make a visible difference. Or are bonuses based on overall net sales, activations or market share, because they are much easier to measure?

Answers to these questions will probably make you want to revisit your plans for the Field Force team, there might be some improvements to be made.

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Christian Lystrup